Dayne Amade

Dayn Amade, Founder of Maputo Technology company Kamaleon calls on the World Health Organization and aid groups to rethink disease education on the African continent.

Amade is the creator of a digital platform called the community tablet, an interactive platform through which people can be educated and informed about issues impacting their lives. The device, which runs on up to six large, solar-powered LCD screens and is transported on a trailer, can be attached to anything from a car to a donkey, enabling it to reach even the most remote or isolated rural communities.

5 million Africans and further infecting 35 million. The World Health Organization has warned that the goal of eradicating AIDS by 2030 is unlikely to be met, as the rate of new infections and the number of deaths do not fall as expected.

Amade offers its tablets as part of the solution for the education of those most affected by the disease. According to Amade, in 2015 the device helped educate over one million people in 90 communities.

Lual Mayen

Lual Mayen is a South Sudanese video game developer and founder of Junub games. He was born in South Sudan and raised […]